You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending

-C.S. Lewis

The Lighthouse Center

The Lighthouse Center (TLC) provides families direct, on-site access to resources that foster independence and economic mobility. This is where the cycle of poverty is broken. Having services on-site is critical to participation and outcomes, meeting families where they are.


All of the exterior elements of the project are designed with encouraging healthy lifestyle, community connectivity, engagement, and thriving and children families. These elements are at the center of impacting transformative change for families and children and impact health outcomes shape by the social determinants of health.

lighthouse map

Why The Lighthouse Center?

"To meet families at their aspirations, we must ensure that parents and care-givers have access to every opportunity for themselves and their children."

- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Proximity Matters

What would you do if you had less time, less mobility, and less money?

Things many of us view as inconveniences – an empty gas tank, needing a babysitter, a flat tire, a pair of shoes for a growing child – are obstacles for a parent struggling with poverty.

“Inconveniences” stop dreams in their tracks.

In a resource-strained environment, barriers are all around. So many things can break your spirit.

Proximity, community, and environment are bridges to the possible.

  • Proximity is the difference between attending an AA meeting or not
  • A child being tutored, or not
  • A mom achieving her GED or not
  • Financial literacy counseling or not
  • ESL classes or not
  • A teen participating in mentoring, or not
  • Children playing outside after school, or not

Scarcity forces the best choice with what you have, though not necessarily the best choice.

Proximity removes barriers, leverages relationships, lends to mutual support.